Coronavirus Press Release

Hey SonRise Family! (05-21-20)

We’re so excited to return to church on site! As we do this, we know that there are still safety measures that need to be taken. We have done everything we can do on our end to make sure the facilities are clean and safe for a church gathering. With that being said, we want to acknowledge the fact that each individual has their own preference for how they will practice social distancing when we reopen. Some will be in masks, some may not. Some may be ready to hug and shake hands, and some may not. We would ask that you respect everyone and their preference during this time. We also want you to know that if you are not comfortable with rejoining us, our online experience will continue and you should feel no guilt or shame if you choose to remain home for your safety. Can’t wait to see you!

Pastor Aaron

Worship and a quick word from Pastor Aaron (03-17- 2020)

Hey SonRise Church! (03-14-2020)

We are now in the middle of all the chaos that is the Coronavirus.  As I look back in my life, I cannot remember a moment quite like this one.  As a young middle schooler living in Oklahoma, I lived through the Oklahoma City bombing.  It rocked our state to the core.  While in college, our nation was tragically attacked on 9/11.  Just thinking about that moment sends chills down my spine.  This is literally uncharted territory for us as a nation.  When someone ventures out into the unknown, there are a myriad of emotions that bubble to the surface like fear, anxiety, doubt, and panic to name just a few.  I am sure that feelings like these have crept up in your soul like they have in mine.  

First off, I want to remind us that this moment in time doesn’t catch our God off guard at all.  God is in control.  Yes, there have been times in our lives where our world has felt out of control, but there has never been a moment when our loving God took his eyes off of us.  He is in total control ruling from His throne in Heaven leveraging the circumstances to accomplish His purposes in us and in the world.  So, we can stand with great confidence that He is with us.  I love what the Bible says in Isaiah 26:3, “He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you.” into trusting our sovereign King now more than ever and let His peace wash over us!  

Secondly, the COVID-19 situation has been an ever-changing ordeal with updates almost hourly.  This has led our team to move our Sunday Gathering online this Sunday (3/15/2020).  We will keep you up-to- date in the days and weeks ahead about future plans.  At the end of the day, I am so grateful that we live in a day with technology that will allow us to practice social distancing, but not practice spiritual distancing.  We will be gathering this Sunday through technology at 10:00A and 5:00P.  You can tune in through Facebook, YouTube,, and we are excited to let you know that you can stream our gatherings right from your SonRise app!  If you have a smart TV, you can also download the SRC app and your experience will be seamless.  

Lastly, there have always been catalytic moments in human history that propelled the Church forward, and I believe that this is one of those turning points.  Let’s leverage this moment like never before as we continue our series--The Heart Matters.  We are coming Sunday with a timely message that is relevant to everyone on the planet--A Heart of Peace: How can my heart be at peace when the world seems so scared?  Let’s use this moment, when emotions are high and people have questions, to bring faith to a fearful conversation.  

You are loved!

Pastor Aaron  

SonRise Church Family

As concerns surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) are rightfully rising, we wanted to let you know how the SonRise is responding.
Our leadership team is carefully monitoring the situation and considering all recommendations from government officials. We still plan to gather together for our regular Sunday gathering this weekend. As always, we are committed to doing whatever we can to provide a safe environment to welcome you and your family.


In SRKids our rooms are cleaned and sterilized thoroughly. We will continue to follow normal health protocols by not admitting any child with an elevated temperature. A child must also be fever free for 24 hours before returning to SRKids. You can help by closely monitoring children for any symptoms.

Worship Gathering:

For the time being, we will refrain from “meet and greet” moments in our gathering (though maybe we’ll have to do a “meet and wave” moment)! We are also discussing the best way to serve communion in future weeks, as we want to balance a meaningful ordinance with a potential health risk.

As always, we encourage you to consider what is best for you and your family this weekend. If you are feeling under the weather or running a fever, the best way that you can love your neighbor is by staying home! If you want more information about what to do if you think you might have coronavirus, see this helpful article.

If you do decide that it’s best to stay home for whatever reason, we will continue to stream our 10:00 a.m. gathering to Facebook.

While most of what we’re recommending here concerns the practical, we want you to be equipped to handle this situation spiritually, too. Pastor Todd Wagner has written a helpful article answering the question, “Should Christians Be Anxious About the Coronavirus?” which applies truths about God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and love specifically to this situation.

Please join us in praying for the church, both here in the United States and around the world, that we would be a powerful testimony to the gospel in the midst of this present challenge.